This Is The Voice! – Part V



What do The Muppets, Vampires and The Rolling Stones have in common? Keep reading…

Before I start in on the next chapter of my journey, I want to clarify something that may have confused you in the last chapter. I stated that Gwen Stefani was my childhood idol, though prior to the Blind Audition she was at the bottom of my coach picks. Let me tell you why.

Pharrell was also an artist that I looked up to for a long time and still do. I had dreamed of working with him ever since I discovered N.E.R.D. and thought this would be the perfect opportunity. Aside from being an artist, Pharrell was a successful producer so I already knew he was good at working with other artists. I admired how he blended genres to make his own sound, which is exactly what I like to do. Naturally, I thought he would be a good fit for me. Even if his productions skills didn’t translate into being a good Voice coach, I’d still get to work with him. It would be a win-win for me.


Blake appealed to the organic, raw side of my music. He was an experienced coach and had already won several seasons. This is why I picked him as number 2. Adam was number 3 on my list because he had experience being a coach. I’ve always enjoyed Maroon 5 and thought he could lend some good advice on how to get more out of my performances. My last pick was Gwen, simply on a strategic standpoint. This was her first season on The Voice, and I had no idea how she would fair as a coach. Even though I’ve been a fan since early No Doubt, I was there to win, not drool over celebrities.

Something else to note – when you are presented with the opportunity to choose your coach, your picks might completely change when you hear what they have to say to you. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given this opportunity, but almost every contestant I talked to afterwards said they based their decision on what the coaches had to say to them after turning their chair around. Why would you want to work with a coach that doesn’t have much to say to you, even if they were you’re number 1 pick prior to your Blind Audition?

So now that we’ve got that cleared up let’s get on with the story.

The Blinds were over, and the adrenaline of making it out alive was still coursing through my veins. We had strict rules not to tell anyone what happened during the Blind Audition. Being the good secret keeper that I am, it wasnt hard, though my smile always gave it away. We were flown back home to attend to our real lives for a few weeks, which was not nearly enough to get back to much of anything. It was more of a purgatory, just biding time until we’d find out what our true fate would be.

How to have a great movie night

I landed in sunny LA again and was whisked off to one of hotels we had previously stayed at. The first order of business was a meeting. It’s always a meeting. This time we were separated into our chosen teams. Team Gwen in the house! “Movie time!” said one of the producers sadistically. “We’re going to watch all of your performances!” I was squirming already, as was everyone else. Artists rarely enjoy watching or listening to themselves perform, or at least I don’t.

I was however interested in watching my fellow teammates’ performances. I hadn’t participated in any of the singer circles so I didn’t know much of what anyone sounded like. Plus, I’d be able to check out who my potential competition was for the Battle Round. It was my turn for embarrassment, and I hid my face as soon as I heard the “Ooooo’s” happening.

I definitely hadn’t performed as well as I thought I did, but I chalked it up to nerves. In all honesty, I don’t really remember how I performed at all. This was a common theme among all the contestants. I call it The Blind Blackout.

The Blind Blackout:The short-term memory loss experienced by contestants of NBC’s The Voice while performing their Blind Audition. Contestants often find themselves having no recollection of how they performed during their Blind Audition. Although the cause is unknown, it is most likely due to the enormous amount of both stress and euphoria experienced on stage.

Phew. Now that that was over, we’d find out who are Battle partner was and what our song would be. Throughout this entire process we were asked to pick songs which we’d like to perform. Just like the song list I had to submit for my Blind Audition, we had to do the same for the Battle Round. And just like they picked my number one choice for the Blinds, they picked my number one choice for the Battles.

“Amanda Lee Peers, your battle partner will be Taylor John Williams, and your song will be Jolene.” I couldn’t believe it! I hadn’t really seen or talked to Taylor prior to this moment, but in any case I immediately thought I had it in the bag. Jolene was my jam! Taylor said he didn’t know the song. I had been singing it at shows for years, and it was always a crowd pleaser. I also thought it was a sign that they picked my number one pick for a second time in a row. I was so happy about this news and couldn’t wait to tell Sandy!


During my short time back home, the stress had taken a toll on my immune system. I picked up a cold that turned into bronchitis – which was like having the black plague in Voiceland. They quarantined me to my own hotel room – which was perfectly okay with me. While having a roommate lended a new experience, which I was always a fan of, I quickly reverted back to my loner self and enjoyed the solitude. My roommate would’ve been Jean Kelley.

Taylor and I got together a few times to practice. We also had voice lessons together which really helped shape our performance. Taylor is a super cool and quirky guy, and I enjoyed getting to know him. Everyone that heard us sing together instantly fell in love and said our voices complimented each other really nicely.

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Taylor and I, during one of our choreography lessons.

The usual schedule followed – voice lessons, choreography, recording and filming. Recording was done at Jim Henson Studios, which was in itself an experience to remember. We pulled into a gated lot with several buildings located inside. There were adolescent girls waiting outside the gates. Apparently, they got word Justin Bieber was going to be there later that day to record.

The buildings were adorned with Muppets characters and other magical motifs adorning the ground and buildings. It was like stepping into a magical sanctuary. One of the staff members secretly pulled me aside to show me something on the ground. It was Charlie Chaplin’s handprints and name stamped into the cement.

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Taylor and I entered through the giant mythical looking door and walked down the hallway into a holding room, where there was an assortment of refreshments and a giant fish tank. Across the hall was the studio where “We Are The World” was recorded. History was made here. I was treading where legends created masterpieces. The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Dr. Dre, Rhianna, Justin Timberlake, just to name a few, made their mark here. I was hoping they left behind a little piece of their magic for me.

Recording went quick and easy – unlike my past experiences. It took Taylor and I no more than 45 minutes to record vocals for Jolene. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy! What a refreshing studio experience!

Now for the moment we had been waiting for – we were scheduled to spend some time working with our coach Gwen Stefani! We were taken off to hair, make-up and wardrobe in preparation for the cinematic reunion. For those who don’t know and to refresh those who do, each coach gets a mentor to help lend their expertise and knowledge to the contestants. They kept us guessing almost right up until we walked in. Our mentor would be Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale. He was also Gwen Stefani’s husband.


My coach Gwen Stefani and mentor Gavin Rossdale.

I was so excited! I was a 90’s girl and had always been a fan of Bush. All my 90’s nostalgia came rushing back, and I felt like a rebellious teenager again. I think I was the only one on my team who actually knew who he was or at least knew enough to be excited.

We walked in to the room and saw Gwen, Gavin and Paul Mirkovich (the band leader) sitting at the piano. The band was off to the sides ready to jump in at Paul’s signal. Gwen acted super excited to see us and gave us both a squeeze. I got the double cheek kiss from Gavin, which I wasn’t prepared for but pleasantly welcomed.



I have to share something quite comical. I’m a fan of the TV show Criminal Minds – like I think I’ve seen every episode type fan. One of the episodes starred Gavin Rossdale. He played a vampire rock singer on an episode called “The Performer,” and it was all I could think about when I saw him. I meant to tell him I loved him on that episode, but it slipped my mind.



Gwen asked us some questions to break the ice. She asked us to give the song a go. I was a bit nervous and my voice was a little shaky but when Taylor and I came together it sounded really nice. Gwen was really impressed and said it gave her goosebumps. She then proceeded to tell us we should start a band together. Gwen was California cool and laid back but actually seemed a bit nervous herself, which was reassuring.

Getting to work with Gavin was a different experience. I felt like I was talking to an old band mate. He complimented me numerous times on my voice stating I had the “voice of the ages.” Wow. Is this seriously happening right now? I was psyched! Gwen seemed less than impressed with Gavin’s flattery, and looking back I can understand why. It would be about year later they’d announce their divorce.

We left, and I felt pretty stellar with how things went, not to mention I just got to work with Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. How could you not feel stellar? All in all it only lasted about 45 minutes, but that’s show biz for ya. Taylor and I had one final voice lesson before we’d be sent home to mentally and physically prepare for what would come next.

To Be Continued…

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